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Dave Brown

Pastor at The Chapel

Letter of Recommendation For Reg Genter

Personal Relationship


My name is Dave Brown and I met Reg Genter in 2002 when I joined the staff of The Chapel in Sandusky, Ohio.  At that time Reg had been an associate pastor at The Chapel for about 5 years.  Reg was very welcoming to my wife, Donna, and me and kindly took us both on a trip to IKEA to purchase office furniture because The Chapel had just moved into a new building.  During that trip we spent time getting to know one another and have enjoyed a personal relationship since that time.  Though we have had our own areas of ministry and responsibility, I’ve been privileged to serve with Reg (and his wife, Cesca) here at The Chapel for 13 years.  We have been guests in their home in informal setting as well as in church staff get-togethers and meetings.


Over the last 13 years the Lord has blessed the church with growth in both the number of those attending and in providing additional pastors and staff.  Reg has been responsible for overseeing numerous ministries and staff, including our children’s ministry, student ministry, as well as worship and technical arts, and the communication team.  We have had a very cordial personal relationship and enjoy Reg and Cesca and their children—and have also enjoyed getting to know his parents as well.


I am 14 years older than Reg—and yet Reg and I have enjoyed serving as “equals” on staff.  Reg has treated me with respect, care, and appreciation and has graciously trusted me as an “older brother,” too.  We have laughed, cried, and enjoyed one another very much.  Reg is a wonderful man who loves the Lord, his family, and those the Lord puts in his sphere of influence and responsibility.

Skills, Gifts and Abilities


Reg has numerous gifts, skills and abilities.

• He is creative. Reg has designed and taught a course that is part of our Foundations curriculum for helping people at The Chapel grow in their faith. It’s a course that guides people in understanding what spiritual gifts are. It assists them in understanding how God has gifted them, not only with spiritual gifts, but also with experiences, personalities, and passions, to serve the Lord and the Church. This has been a wonderful course for helping people discover who God has made them to be, and to actually get involved in serving within the church.


Reg has also helped arrange/direct video productions, presentations, and methods that have enhanced people’s understanding and grasp of ideas, concepts, and principles.


Reg developed a very helpful tool for The Chapel called “A Lifestyle Agreement.”In order to avoid legalism and yet help church leaders and volunteers understand biblical standards/expectations in an atmosphere of love and consideration, Reg created a paper that has been very helpful in creating a loving accountability among leaders.


• Reg is musical. He plays acoustic guitar and has a nice voice. He has played with our worship team several times each year.


• Reg understands Information Technology. He is very skilled in computer systems and has overseen the computer system at The Chapel.


• Reg is skilled in electrical work and carpentry.


• Reg has a good sense of humor and is not afraid to laugh at himself as well as with others.


• Reg is a “team player.” He takes responsibility seriously, but he enjoys working with others. He appreciates others’ gifts and skills and is not afraid to delegate responsibility.


• Reg is a teacher. I’m not sure that I know all of Reg’s spiritual gifts, but he is a teacher. In the 13 years that we have served together, I have seen his speaking/teaching gift grow and develop. He is a learner and wants to help others learn, too—and apply Scripture to their lives. He is not afraid to appropriately share what he is reading and learning from the Lord and His Word.


Personal Thoughts


Reg loves Jesus Christ. He has a growing relationship with the Lord. He demonstrates a loving and healthy relationship with his wife, Cesca—and with his two college-age children, Tony and Nicole.


Reg is passionate about helping others grow in their relationship with Christ, and about helping them find places of effective ministry in the body of Christ. He genuinely appreciates the gifts that God has given to others and can champion their ministries sincerely and enthusiastically.


Reg is a servant leader. He ably leads when leading is his responsibility. But he is not a domineering or controlling person or leader. He wants God’s people to be effective in service (Eph. 4:11-13).


Reg is a champion of unity in the body of Christ. I have personally watched him work to keep the “unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3) in personal relationships as well as in policies and principles applied in church life (e.g. The Lifestyle Agreement).


Rev. Dave Brown
Pastoral Care & Connection Groups Pastor

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