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Ken & Erin Czekaj

Members at The Chapel

Dear Brother / Sister in Christ,


We are writing this letter on behalf of Reg Genter. We met Reg 18 ½ years ago when both of our second children were brand-new babies, and an instant bond was formed between our two families that has continued to grow ever since. Soon after we met the Genters, we were invited to attend a Leadership meeting at our young, growing church. Not feeling much like leadership at the time, we were hesitant to attend this meeting. But Reg used his gifts of encouragement and recommended that we attend. We did attend and the rest is history.   This is in large part due to Reg’s prompting, and we’ve been serving in the children’s ministry ever since.  


Over the last 17 years we’ve both been very involved in our Kid’s Celebration ministry at The Chapel. We’ve served in many ministries alongside Reg, including work projects, church softball, computer technical support among many others.  In all the years we’ve known Reg, he has committed himself to encouraging those around him to follow God’s purpose for their lives.   We have always been so impressed with his gift for helping people learn their own unique gifts and to guiding them to serve in their areas with passion. We have seen our own church grow in “unity” because of Reg’s leadership and commitment to God’s word. His non-threatening teaching style is extremely engaging to believers and seekers simultaneously. That ability to apply God’s word and make it relevant in today’s culture will be sorely missed. 


While we are excited for the next chapter for Reg and Cesca, our church family is going to miss them immensely. Reg is not only one of our most favorite pastors, but he’s like family to us. Our hearts are sad to have him leave Sandusky, Ohio, but we are very excited for his new church family to have him join them. They will truly be blessed to have the Genters be a part of their lives. 


If you have any questions, or would like to contact us directly, please do not hesitate.    
In Christ,  
Ken and Erin Czekaj

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