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GinaMarie Stewart

Former Chapel Staff



At different times during the last ten years, Reg Genter has been my pastor, supervisor, encourager, voice of truth and grace, friend, and spiritual father-like figure in my life. I’d like to touch on a few of these roles to reflect how God has created him with unique gifts and talents. 


Reg Genter’s first role in my life was as a pastor. While attending The Chapel, I went through a difficult time after breaking off an engagement. After my ex-fiancé announced leaving his assistant worship leader position at the church, Reg found me and spoke truth when I needed to hear it the most. He told me he thought that I had done the right thing, and I felt like God Himself was speaking directly through him to remind me He still had plans for my life. At first, I was surprised that Reg had thought to find me in the midst of all of the people that Sunday; but it was because he realized that announcement was hard for me to hear. 
I found out later that God has wired Reg to be the guy that seeks out the person hurting the most in a room in order to comfort them. He’s careful as he selects his words and delivers truth in a way that draws you in. Whether you’re in a staff meeting or he’s teaching from the stage, he uses the same delivery. I’d often find myself laughing about something Reg says in a sermon, and then be on the brink of tears moments later from the way he delivers truth from the Word of God. I believe he does this so well because he understands all sides of humanity. He understands the beautiful side of humanity as well as our dark fallen sides. He speaks life into the way we were created to reflect the image of our Father, and yet speaks truth into the dark, secret sides we don’t want anyone else to know about. I think this aspect of his personality makes him an incredible communicator, because he brings to light what many of us try to hide in our relationships with God. Reg always points to the positive and reminds you of God’s love and grace for His people, even in our darkest hours. Because of the way he grasps humanity, his sermons have depth, heart, and conviction.  But those same sermons don’t leave anyone behind, even those who have never been to church before. 
A couple of years later, I was hired as the church’s first Communication Artist and Reg was one of my supervisors. Over those three years, I would frequent Reg’s office, seeking advice about anything from conflict with co-workers to approval for ministry’s logos. Reg was a good sounding board because he empathizes so well with others, but is also not afraid to deliver the truth when you need to hear it. He reads situations and people on levels that most people don’t, which helps him relate to others and diffuse conflict with ease. Once we were in a meeting about some major changes in the church, and I received news directly affecting my role. I blurted something out about the change because I was caught off guard. I remember how Reg kindly rebuked me because he didn’t want my negative comment to affect the other staff members in the meeting. Later, he explained that he responded to my remark because he wanted to put out the fire before it began. The character displayed in Reg’s leadership made it easy to follow and respect his lead. 


Reg is also a good communicator because he’s creative. When he’d ask me to create a communication piece for a sermon series, it was easy to understand the vision he was trying to accomplish. He brought a creative element to every sermon, thinking outside of the box of what people would expect. His heart was always to draw people to the same truth in new and different ways.


Reg Genter is deep, thoughtful, empathetic, fun-loving, and creative.  I know that wherever God places him and his wife, Cesca, the people there will truly be enriched and blessed by their presence in their lives


GinaMarie Stewart

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