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Mark Haynes

Business Owner

I met Pastor Reg 4 years ago, shortly after God suddenly called my wife of 22 years home. After a powerful message from him one Sunday, I introduced myself and shared how thankful I was for his personable message. Shortly after that, I attended a class that he was teaching at our church called Foundation Serve. The class was to help us learn how we could serve God’s kingdom by filling certain needs that the church had through the gifts we were good at AND passionate about. This helped us serve more effectively and represent the love of Jesus through our gifts of serving. I have personally seen how Pastor Reg has a natural ability to teach the love of Jesus in a way that I have never heard in the past, and it makes it exciting to be a part of. My new wife, Amy, and I haven’t missed a Sunday or event for the past 2 ½ years.


Over the past 25 years that I’ve attended church regularly and out of all the messages that I have heard over those years, none has been more memorable or have had a long-lasting impact on my life like Pastor Reg’s messages. His messages and the way he helps you understand the word of God makes you want to be more like Jesus. Almost every time he teaches I grab the recorded CD of his message and pass it onto my friends. Those messages have received great feedback and started conversations with those friends.


He will be a great asset to any church. The gift that he has of relaying God’s Word and understanding of the Bible will be a treasure to any church. The love and word of Jesus is in his heart and anyone that hears him speak can hear that through his teachings.


Your brother in Christ, 

Mark Haynes

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