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Eric & Paula Lapata

 Co-Lead Pastor at The Chapel

To Whom It May Concern,


This letter of reference is provided at the request of Pastor Reg Genter. We have had the privilege of working with Reg for over six years (Eric) and 10 years (Paula). Reg has not only been a co-worker, but a confidant, a close friend, and a true brother in Christ.


Over these past years, we have had the honor of serving under Reg’s leadership, where he has proven to be a great leader.  He has had a profound impact on our lives and has led us to become better leaders and followers of Jesus. Thus, the following are three very significant characteristics of Reg that we believe make him a strong Pastor.
1.    Reg is insightfully wise. As a pastor on staff, I (Eric) have been able to serve in the trenches with Reg. There have been many instances where we have found ourselves dealing with difficult circumstances that involve strained relationships and painful situations. In these instances, Reg has stepped up to the plate and handled these issues with care, kindness, and above all else, wisdom. When it seems as if there is not a clear solution to the problem at hand, Reg is often the one to provide a voice of reason and clarity. I have leaned on Reg in many of these situations and have been grateful for his insight and wisdom, which are a direct result of his relationship with the Lord.
2.    Reg deeply values unity.  As a former Student Ministry Associate at The Chapel, I (Paula) saw first hand just how much emphasis Reg places on unity within the body of believers.  He speaks well of others and encourages others to do the same, emphasizing oneness, instead of division.  I have observed Reg in significant situations where the unity of our church could have been jeopardized.  In those situations, he spent hours of time talking with people, getting to the bottom of the issues, encouraging openness, and working to maintain the unity of the church.  I can honestly say that the value I place on unity today has been most influenced by Reg’s example. 


3.    Reg is a man of integrity.  At the heart of Reg is unquestionable moral character, sincerity, truthfulness, and trustworthiness, all of which we believe make him a man of integrity.  He is consistent in who he is no matter where he is.  We trust him, we love him, and we are forever grateful for the impact his life, his leadership and his relationship with Jesus have had on us.  



Pastor Eric and Paula Lapata

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