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Todd Nielsen

Co-Lead Pastor at The Chapel

To whom it may concern,


I am honored to write a letter of personal reference for Reg Genter.  I have known Reg personally and served alongside him in ministry for the last 10 years. Reg was instrumental in bringing my family and me to serve on staff at The Chapel in Sandusky, OH.  For the first 6 years of our time at The Chapel, I served as the Pastor of Student Ministries under Reg, who at the time served as the Pastor of Ministries. I met with Reg regularly to share life and grow in ministry.  When our church prepared to launch a second campus, I transitioned to be the campus pastor of our new South Campus and Reg moved into the role of North Campus Pastor.  For the last 4 years, we have served together on the Lead team at The Chapel, helping set vision and direction for the church, overseeing various ministries, and serving on the weekend teaching team.  
Over the past 10 years, here is what I have come to know about Reg.


1)     Reg is a person of character.  I have never had to wonder if Reg loved God and loved others.  He is a person of his word and a man of integrity.  He loves his wife, his family, and the church.  This is evident in his commitment to each.  


2)     Reg has a passion for unity in the church.  One of the things that attracted us to The Chapel was the deep sense of unity and strong leadership amongst the pastors and elders.   Reg cares deeply about the church and helped develop a culture of unity in the staff and congregation.  I personally observed many ministry situations with staff, volunteers, or church members where Reg helped navigate difficult challenges, all the while working hard to keep the unity of the Spirit.  I have learned much from Reg’s passion for unity in the church. 


3)    Reg is a creative thinker. He doesn’t settle for the status quo and pushes for ministry to be relevant to meet an ever-changing culture.  Reg has the ability to think outside the box and envision others toward a common mission.


4)    Reg and his wife Cesca are generous people.  They freely give of their time, talents, and resources.  Cesca is one of the most hospitable people we know and an incredible cook as well.  Reg and Cesca are a powerhouse team when they open up their home for groups, ministry teams, and others in their community. 


5)    Reg is a talented individual.  Not only does he have gifts of teaching and leading, but Reg is also strong in the area of Computer Technology, is a pretty skilled electrician, and is a strong project manager.  


I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation and am honored to be a personal reference for Reg .  Please do not hesitate to call or write me with any questions or concerns if I can be of assistance to you or in supporting Reg in his next ministry opportunity.   



Todd Nielsen                                    
The Chapel                           

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