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Being born into a strong Christian family, our family faithfully attended Barcroft Bible Church all my growing-up years.  At the age of four during a Sunday School class, I realized my need for a Savior and opened my heart to Jesus.  In the years subsequent to my conversion, various points of crisis helped me to learn that the Christian life is to be one of dependence on Jesus Christ.  He is the One who paid the penalty for my sin and can lead me to freedom.  Even now I see a powerful God, great in mercy, forgiveness and grace, developing me into a man whose heart pants after God and His Word.​

After graduation from high school, my father suggested that I attend one year of Bible College before transferring to another university to pursue a computer/engineering degree.  During that year, God used people and circumstances to spark a desire in my heart to invest my life in the lives of others — to bring them to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and to encourage them in their walk with Him.  Most noted was one professor, who discipled me during college and inspired me to consider making the most eternal impact I could during my life here on earth.  He and others watched me in various ministry opportunities and encouraged me to go into vocational Christian ministry.  Sensing God’s call on my life, I completed my college education at the Washington Bible College and then continued to prepare for ministry at Dallas Theological Seminary.​

In August of 1988, I married an incredible and beautiful woman named Francesca (Cesca).  I remember soon after we were married, a rather big Texan (where we lived at the time) put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Son, when you married her, you sure out-kicked your punt coverage.” She has been an awesome blessing to me, to our children and to our friends.  Cesca is a vital part of the ministry God has given to us.  God blessed us with a son, Tony, in February 1994, and a daughter, Nicolette, in May of 1997.  Both my son and daughter are graduates of The Ohio State University.  Nicolette currently lives in Chicago, IL and Tony lives with his wife, Audrey, in Columbus, OH.

In each church where I have been on staff, God has continued His work to form and shape my life.  Through each experience He has walked with me.  My heart is now more open than ever before to take bold steps of faith, humbly depending on His grace and strength.  My heart's desire is to continue being a part of the incredible transformational process of the Holy Spirit's work in people's lives.​

We now live in a culture that is trending toward being disconnected with God.  God formed His Church to be the hope for the world - to be passionate about mobilizing the 99 to go after the 1 (Luke 15).  Through the journey God has taken me, the driving desire on my heart is be a part of a church that is continually moving towards not just being the best church in the community but also the best church for the community – a strategic balance of being both attractional and missional. By using the gifts and abilities God has entrusted to me, my desire is to unite with a passionate team to help people take their next step in their relationship with God, their relationship with other people, and to experience freedom that comes through the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.

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