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Bill Schroeder

Lead/Founding Pastor

It is a privilege to write this letter as a reference for and in support of Reg Genter, my co-worker for the past eighteen years.  


As I think through the years we have served together on the pastoral team at The Chapel in Sandusky, there are many words that come to mind that describe Pastor Reg.  Passionate and compassionate are at the top of the list.  He cares deeply about the church and the people he serves with.  The seats at a few of the local diners are well worn by Reg, staff members and leaders as he spends hours of listening and encouragement.  No one will leave the time with Reg without a hug and a sense of being cared for.  


Reg is strongly committed to teaching the truth of God’s word and to making that truth relevant to this generation of listeners.  He is aware of the environment that people are living in, and what they are facing on a daily basis.  He is able to express truth in a way that is gentle and yet pierces through the veneer with which they may have covered themselves. Reg is creative in communication and is skillful at using current technology to enhance his message.  I have seen much growth in Reg’s teaching, and believe as effective as he already is, the potential is greater still.  


I believe who a pastor is can be seen through the eyes of his family.  At the announcement to the church of Reg’s sense of God’s moving in his life to take next steps beyond the Chapel, his wife, son and daughter, were together praying for clarity about those steps.  The picture of them together on the platform with their arms around each other is one many people in our church will not forget.  He is a good husband and dad and it shows.   


Reg and Cesca together have a great gift of hospitality.  Many people have been cared for and discipled around small group circles in their home.   Anyone and everyone is welcome and made to feel at home.  But it goes beyond just enjoying being together, Reg and Cesca use that environment to open doors to discuss and envision leadership, and to create a sense of unity within teams.  


Reg is a strong advocate for teamwork in the church.  He has championed teams as creator and leader of our Foundations Serve class which included not only teaching, but assessment and consultation for leaders and volunteers in order to see them thrive in places suited for their gifts and temperament.  


Finally, and most importantly, Reg loves Jesus with all his heart.  Being a pastor is not first a vocation for him, but a calling and a passion that flows out of his deep conviction of the reality of the gospel.  


With great hope for the future, 

Bill Schroeder,  
Lead Pastor, The Chapel

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