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Brian and Lisa Smith

Members of The Chapel

Church Leaders,


Reg and Cesca have been great friends, neighbors, and pastors to us starting back in 2001 when we first joined The Chapel. Reg's huge smile and warm welcome was one of the first greetings that drew us to the church. We experienced that same warm feeling when we checked our kids into the children's ministry for the first time. What amazing servant leaders!  The passion that went into teaching our kids was extraordinary, and later we would learn that Reg's leadership helped build this incredible team.  When we volunteered to serve in Kids Celebration, it was great to have Reg, a lead pastor pray with us before the service.  It made us feel like God's children were important to the church. 


Reg's teaching style is extremely relatable. We love his illustrations and the way he uses practical and relevant events to connect Gods word to our everyday life. From movies, sitcoms, news and world events to what's trending on social media, his messages are always applicable. That's why we think he's so effective in bringing people closer to Christ in his teaching. Reg always makes it fun!


One of our favorite authors, John Maxwell, says that, "Everything rises and falls on leadership."  Reg and Cesca have been an integral part of the growth and advancement of God's kingdom in Sandusky, Ohio, by their servant leadership and dedication to the ministry at The Chapel.   When we joined the greeting team, Reg led a training session to equip us on how to better serve. Reg instilled several great ideas, but one that stands out was to serve with passion and watch the little things.  He said, “Instead of saying, ‘You're welcome’ change it to ‘My Pleasure.’"  Just a small example of his coaching, but one that still impacts us today. 


Over the years Lisa became involved with Bible studies led by Cesca. Our kids became best friends, and a wonderful friendship was birthed between our families. It has been a humbling experience to see this man, who has helped lead us spiritually, come alongside of us and enjoy doing life together. He and Cesca poured so much love and time into our family during the passing of Lisa's mom a couple of years ago.  We experienced firsthand how much they care for others outside of their pastoral calling. Their support helped strengthen us when we felt weak and overwhelmed with loss.  During that season of life God knitted our hearts together in such a way that we feel they have become part of our family.  It hurts our hearts to know we won't be enjoying the simple joys of life together, but it also fills our heart with excitement to know God will use them to bless many more families the way they have blessed us.

Good friends and great pastors are hard to come by.  Reg and Cesca will be deeply missed.


-Lisa and Brian Smith

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