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Teaching Links:

Jesus in His own Words - I am the Way the Truth and the Life

In John 14:6, Jesus unequivocally states, with authority and no misunderstanding, that He is the only way to get to God and Heaven. What gives Him the audaciousness to make such a claim that can be so divisive in our culture?

Message Notes - I AM

This is Living (Galatians) - Living by the Spirit

What’s the potential of a human life lived under full submission and control to the Holy Spirit? In Galatians 5 Paul makes the impassioned case that the Holy Spirit is the key to living a transformed life. Who is the Holy Spirit? What does He do? Why should I care?

Message Notes - Living by the Spirit

Seven - Help Others Who Are Experiencing Your Same Struggle

As Jesus was on the Cross, in what was the darkest moment of human history, He models a huge window into His soul and mission. With His 2nd statement, He says to the thief hanging next to him…”I tell you the truth, today, you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

Message Notes - Helping Others

It is Written - Why the Bible Can Be Trusted

How can we put total confidence that the Bible is truly perfect, absolute truth, God inspired, and powerful in speaking in to each of our lives?  Is it just a blind leap of faith?  This message explores amazing reasons (outside of the Bible) that our faith is not misplaced.  In fact - it just might take more faith to believe differently!

Message Notes - Why the Bible Can Be Trusted

Covenant Relationships - Covenant Friendships

When Jesus saw their faith He said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven." Luke 5:20

Message Notes - Covenant Friendships

The Book of James - Taming the Tongue

How would you describe a tongue? The Bible states that it is not a peaceful, serene, harmless item – but one that is full of poison and very destructive. James takes a good portion of his book to talk about the tongue and the phenomena’s surrounding it. If the mouth is truly the window to the soul than the tongue will ultimately show to the world what is truly going on inside of you. How can we tame our tongues?

Message Notes - Taming the Tongue

Goliath Must Fall - Killing Anger

You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Matthew 5:21-22

Message Notes - Killing Anger

Videos that I Produced for Message Series:

Generosity Changes my Heart

What's Life Without a little Hope?


Generosity Changes our Church

What's Life Without a little Hope?

Life Hope Story - Joe

Teaching Audio Links:

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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Romans 8:28 - Faith or Fear

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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Easter 2015 - Surpassed Expectations

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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Christmas Eve 2015 - Why Christmas?

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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Great Impact - Nehemiah

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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Just 1 Thing - Keep God Big and Me Small

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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#LifeHope - The Resurrection of Hope

Important Announcements:

This video is our announcement to The Chapel family about how God is leading us to take bold next steps.  
I have been a part of the Pastoral Staff at The Chapel for 18 years.

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